19 May 2007

Fast Recovery

I hate hospitals and would do almost anything to avoid surgery. So if I needed to lose a lot of weight, I could not choose lipo or a tummy tuck. Now there is a new weight-loss alternative called the LAGB or LAP-BAND op, also known as bariatric surgery. It is far less invasive than traditional weight loss surgery, it is adjustable and can be reversed quite simply. This procedure has no need to cut, staple or reroute the stomach or intestine. This is far less risky than normal surgery and complications are also much less likely. The procedure can be done as day surgery and the patient recovers much more quickly. Pioneers of this process are a company called Journey Lite, with specialized surgical facilities, highly skilled and experienced bariatric surgeons and a team of healthcare professionals dedicated to providing the safest and least invasive surgical weight-loss solution and the most comprehensive support programs available today.



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