25 August 2007

Real travel

If you want to know what a destination is really like, you speak to someone who has been there. Of you don't know anybody who has visited, then you would have to take the travel company's word for it. But now there is a travel blog called Real Travel, which gives you absolutely everything you need to check out a country, a resort or a trip. We went on a self guided walking holiday a few months ago and the information we found was quite piecemeal. But if a member of the Real Travel community has been there, you can rely on getting a factual and interesting report.

One of the places I would like to go walking sometime in the future is Northern Italy and I searched through this travel blog and found a really nice story about the walks that are located between Trentino and Alto Adige, Italy. The member who visited had written up a summary of her complete week long itinerary , so you got details of every part of the route. You can find out how long to stay in each village or town and the things to do while you are there. The member who wrote the story even detailed when she stayed and what was happening at the time, so you get a true insight into the attractions of the area.

This travel blog has thousands of well-researched account on destinations in all parts of the world, so it is well worth a visit to research an holiday or just to get ideas for your next trip.



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